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We should talk…

Best Selling Author

Hi, I’m Joe…

We should probably get something straight: I can’t fix you. 

I mean, I don’t have anything figured out. 

But you know what, I’ve got a pretty damn good life; simple, interesting, and full of all the stuff that makes life, well, good

I’m not rich. I’m not famous. I’m not trying to be either–the odds just aren’t in it for me to go down that path. 

So why should we talk? 

Maybe it’s because you want a different perspective on a life choice. Maybe it’s because you are in love with someone that doesn’t even know you exist. Maybe that person is your husband. Maybe you just want permission to enjoy your perfectly imperfect life as it is. Maybe you want to practice having enough

Or maybe it’s a million other things. You tell me. 


Best Sellers

Finding The Love Of Your Life. Again

Finding The One. Again.

Dating after divorce can be the most enjoyable, life-defining eras of your existence. This book offers sage advice for dating as an actual adult. 

The Prolific Procrastinator

The Prolific Procrastinator

If your intentions and aspirations are painfully bigger than your behavior wants to believe, this book is for you. (Coming Soon)


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– Divi Digest

Meet Joe

July 23, 2018

Bloom, Book Signing • San Francisco, CA

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus et nisi mattis, bibendum mi vel, interdum urna. Donec in augue sed turpis hendrerit semper. 

August 10, 2018

Draft, Book Reading • Los Angeles, CA

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus et nisi mattis, bibendum mi vel, interdum urna. Donec in augue sed turpis hendrerit semper. 

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